Home Forums Ready-to-use Robots Prop Firm Robots Request for reply to topic “drawdown” of November 19

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    • #381644
      Cristian Nembrini

      Good morning @marinski!
      I am sad to note that in addition to not having answered my question, you have deleted my topic.
      I am waiting for the answer that justifies the drawdown value that remains fixed despite the increase in size risk.
      in the meantime, to remind you, I’m attaching the discussion from November 19th that “magically” I can’t find in the forum anymore

    • #381902
      Marin Stoyanov

      Hi Cristian, the topic is not deleted – it’s merged into another topic which is about the Settings and Inputs of the prop firm robots. And I replied to your post there few days ago.

      I can guarantee you that we don’t delete topics unless they are duplicate posts from the same user (which happens when the user clicks the submit button several times when posting the topic/reply) or if it’s posting external links to some irrelevant sites.

      The forum gets flooded with similar topics and if we leave it like this, it won’t be useful at all.

      I will keep this one for a few days and then merge it into the Problems and Solutions major topic.

      You can always go to your profile and click on the Topics Started or Replies Created and you will see all your forum activity and you can verify that nothing has been deleted.

    • #381904
      Marin Stoyanov

      Hi again, indeed I see I didn’t replied to your post from the 19th November, sorry about that. I’ll reply to your post in the other topic to keep the conversation organized.

      • #381942
        Cristian Nembrini

        Thanks. Let me know, because this thing about the fixed drawdown even if you change the risk is wrong and can mislead traders who do not notice this thing.
        I would also like to know if it is possible to change the backtest from your site with the custom date.

        • #383507
          Marin Stoyanov

          Hi, I can confirm there is a bug in the app interface and it will be fixed with the next update which is planned to be released in 5-10 days.

    • #384318
      Marin Stoyanov

      @cnembrinigmail-com, I’m writing to let you know that the drawdown bug in the app interface was fixed. I’ll archive this topic in a few days to keep the forum clean and easier to navigate.

      Thanks for your feedback and for your patience.

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